Costa Rica Jaguar Corridor Conservation Properties

Pacuare Paradise
Breathtaking Riverside Retreat
50 acres / 20 hectares

This exceptional property is located on the banks of the legendary Pacuare River, with multiple stunning viewpoints looking out across the magnificent Pacuare River Valley. It includes a small wooden house, and it also has several waterfalls dotted along the thickly-forested quebrada tigre. Approximately half of the property is still intact rainforest, while the other half is open land that has been deforested for agriculture.


The property sits on the western bank of the Pacuare River right at the heart of the Barbilla-Destierro Biological Corridor. This corridor has been identified as one of the most important jaguar migration corridors across their 19-country range. It connects the Central Volcanic Cordillera ecosystem in the west with the Cordillera de Talamanca ecosystem in the east, both of which harbour a healthy population of jaguars.

A strong jaguar population has been recorded on the camera traps of Carolina Saenz-Bolanos' Programa Jaguar, which are located on the opposite side of the river to this property in the Rio Pacuare Forest Reserve. Her stunning images include video footage of a rare melanistic jaguar, or black panther. Its strategic location for feline conservation makes this property a high priority for the preservation of existing jaguar habitat and for the restoration of its deforested land.

The property encompasses about 10 hectares of open land that is currently being used for cattle grazing and for the cultivation of coriander. The Jaguar Project would like to initiate a 10-hectare reforestation program here in order to restore the deforested land to its former rainforest glory by planting 10,000 trees of native species that are beneficial to wildlife. The Jaguar Project can assist the new owners of this property with the reforestation program by using trees that are donated for free by the ICE (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad).

The appropriately named quebrada tigre (which translates loosely as the "jaguar stream" in Spanish) runs right through this property and is potentially a key migration route that must be protected and preserved.


The powerful combination of breathtaking scenery, spectacular waterfalls and abundant wildlife provide the perfect ingredients here for a successful Eco-tourism enterprise. A small Eco-tourism concern offering environmentally sustainable activities such as jungle trekking, bird-watching, horse-riding and river rafting would suit this property perfectly. There are several platforms here with amazing views of the valley that would be ideal for the creation of a small number of cabins.

The Pacuare River is world renowned for having the best white-water rafting in all of Central America, and it is considered by many to be amongst the top ten rafting rivers on the planet. This property's long river frontage offers it the potential to become an river-rafting epicentre.

On the opposite side of the Pacuare river live the Cabecar indigenous tribe. They are one of only 7 indigenous groups in Costa Rica, and they're some of the only people that you will encounter in this remote corner of the valley. They sometimes trek past the property on their way to the town from their simple indigenous village up in the hills, and their presence only adds to the mystery and authenticity of this unique corner of Costa Rica.


The property is easily accessed by a quality unpaved road which runs down from the main highway 10 that connects Turrialba to Siquirres. Once you leave the paved highway it's just a 5-minute drive downhill on a road which is passable all year round and leads right to the front gate.

The property has electricity from the national grid and an abundant supply of water.


The farm is 2 and a half hours drive from the capital San Jose. The local village has a small store just around the corner which sells all of the basic essentials. An excellent bar and restaurant is just 5 minutes drive away up on the main highway 10. It is 15 minutes drive to the nearest big supermarket in Tres Equis, and 30 minutes to the nearest market town of Siquirres which has all of the necessary banks and government offices.

The Pacuare River Valley is literally surrounded by a network of fabulous protected areas and reserves including Barbilla National Park, Tapanti National Park, Turrialba Volcano National Park and Guayabo National Monument. The Caribbean coast and its multiple natural wonders are just an hour and half away along highway 32, including the world famous biodiversity hotspot Tortuguero National Park.

Reventazon Valley Conservation Property For Sale :: Turrialba Real Estate Farms & Ranches Pacuare Finca



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Costa Rica Conservation Properties Private Conservation Ranch for Sale : River Frontage Sacred Mountain Reventazon Views Private Land Conservation Resources Costa Rica :: The Jaguar Project and FONAFIFO The Jaguar Project : Conserving the Barbilla-Destierro Wildlife Corridor in Costa Rica : Reventazon Hydroelectric Project Dam Costa Rica Private Land Conservation in the Reventazon River Valley of Costa Rica : Information Costa Rica Wildlife Corridor Conservation Properties in the Reventazon, Pacuare and Turrialba Region